What is Lambda School?

A look into the Data Science Program

Hello! My name is Samuel Hepner. I graduated from the University of Washington Bothell with a degree in Mathematics in June 2019. After graduation, I decided to begin my adventure towards becoming a data scientist. With the help of my brother, I found Lambda School and, after looking into it... [Read More]


RPG game made in Flask and React

What I did: • Built a small dungeon crawler game using a Flask back-end and a React front-end. • Coded all back-end functions in python with Flask. • Collaborated with a front-end engineer to make connections. [Read More]

Reddit Ranker

Do you know which subreddit to post in?

What did I do? I: • Built a web app that recommends subreddits where you should submit your post, based on title and text given. • Trained a Nearest Neighbors model, with the help of tfidfvectorizer, using the top 10 posts from the 100 most popular subreddits. • Revised Nearest... [Read More]